We know of the unconditional love of Christ.
But little do we think about having an unconditional faith in Christ.
So what is unconditional faith?
Well, unconditional faith is having faith in Christ without expecting a specific outcome as a result of our faith.
It is a faith that we have on Christ, even when we are on the losing side from a worldly view.
In other words, it is a strong unshakeable faith in Christ, that is not intimidated by the situation prevailing on our lives, or around us physically.
It is a faith that makes us say - No matter what happens, I will always believe in Christ. Nothing happens in my life without His permission, and He does everything for my good.
When we don't attach a specific outcome for our faith, we can say we have an unconditional faith in Christ.
I'll give an example from a worldly view. But nevertheless, it is a lot more applicable in the spiritual realm as well.
Let's say I want to get a job in my dream company. I pray sincerely, place my faith in Christ, preparing for interviews and working hard for months (by motivating myself with Proverbs 21:31).
However, I end up failing to get the job.
At this time, my basic faith even about God's existence could get shaken.
I prayed well, placed my faith in Christ, prepared and worked hard, and yet I didn't get the job.
If I had an unconditional faith, this failure would make me even more stronger in Christ.
I'd end up believing that God's will is something different and even much better than my own plans.
But hold on, that doesn't mean we don't have to give our best.
In fact, God will use our experiences in our past failures, to do the right thing at the right time to get His glorious will done in our lives.
Many times, we have a conditional faith, especially on our worldly goals. But it is always good to have unconditional faith as we are to grow in Christ.
We might have started believing in Christ, motivated by a worldly success. But God called us for things above, not for the things on the earth, which will fade one day.
But nevertheless, He will help us survive in this world until His time for us.
The life of Job is one of the best examples for unconditional faith.
Job, despite being sincere before God, lost his children and his wealth, all in one day. He was heart-broken without a doubt for losing his children.
Adding to his woes, he started getting wounds all over his body. His wife and friends pierced his heart by their words.
His wife asked him to curse God and die. His friends said he sinned so much that God is punishing him to such a great extent.
Despite all this storm and rough tides, Job reflected his unconditional faith in God by confessing:
"Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him;"
You can read the entire verse in Job 13:15.
Dear reader! It's true that we're heavily influenced by what we see with our naked eyes. But we must learn to see things from the spiritual view to understand God's glorious works.
In my own experience, the first step towards having this unconditional faith is learning to have a personal relationship with Christ by reading His word and meditating upon it.
When we have unconditional faith in Christ, nothing in this world can shake us, not even sickness or death!
You may also want to read the post - Faith vs Logic: The Battle within every believer's heart to better understand unconditional faith.