A lot of times, Man's view and God's view of the same person (or incident) are drastically different. There are many evidences for it from the Bible.
For example, Joseph was viewed as a slave by man. But God viewed him as the person who will save the entire world from a severe famine.
When Abraham left his father's place to God's promised land, he was a wanderer from man's view. However, God looked at him as the "father of nations". Even today, Abraham is accepted as the father of nations by the Jewish, Christian and Muslim world.
In the case of Moses, man's view is that a person with stammering lips is incapable of leading Israelites out of slavery from Egypt. Even Moses had the same view. However, from God's view, the stammering lips didn't matter. He indeed used Moses to bring the Israelites out of slavery from Egypt.
Similarly, David was just a shepherd in man's view. But God viewed him as the king of Israel. When David stood up against Goliath, from man's view, he was a just 17-year old 'boy' destined to suffer defeat in the hands of a well-built warrior. However, from God's view, a stone and sling is enough for this boy to defeat the heavily-armed Goliath.
Now let's look at the ultimate example - Jesus.
From man's view, Jesus is a loser as He claimed to be God and couldn't save Himself when hanged on the cross. The Jews who supported nailing Jesus on the cross believed it's a humiliating defeat for Jesus. However, from God's view, Jesus's death is the glorious victory towards offering forgiveness and salvation (to those people who believe in Jesus) among the entire humanity!
Now the question is - How can we ensure that God's view prevails on our lives?
In all the above examples, God's view prevailed in the lives of people who trusted God (more than their own beliefs or other people's opinions) and stuck to His view.
Likewise, we must stick to God's view, even if our own views are against it. Remember that Moses himself believed he is incapable to bring Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. We must also ignore others' opinions. Remember Jesus! God equated even a humiliating defeat (in man's view) in the life of Jesus to a glorious victory (in His view)!