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[Learning From Christ] Dealing With Pride and Ego

pride ego

As human beings, one thing that we as individuals struggle is to let go off one's own ego and pride.

Most of us have probably got involved in a lot of end-less arguments due to the "I'm always right" attitude. One can even go to the extent of defending his/her own ego despite knowing they're wrong, just to avoid being seen as a loser from the world's view.

We as human beings are good at the "tit for tat" actions naturally. If we perceive (our perceptions could be false as well) someone insulted us, we try to give them back even more insult.

Life also sometimes puts us into situations where one could have an upper hand against the people they deal with. In such situations, we tend to ask, "Do you know who I am?". Now that's pride.

Ego and Pride are a man's enemies from within. They often deceive us (as individuals) into thinking more of ourselves than what we actually are in reality.

But the question most believers (including me, a few years back) failed to ask is:

Did Jesus (as a man) really allowed pride and ego to operate in him?

The answer is a big No! And here's the proof.

Jesus, before His crucifixion, dealt with the judgement and mockery of the people who accused him and tried him in courts.

They slapped Him, spat at Him and did many cruel things to Him. These are situations where Jesus could have asked "Do you know who I am?", if He had pride and ego.

In fact, Jesus was insulted by the same people He came to save from the wrath of God. Yet, He was patient, and kept his pride and ego at the Zero level.

When we look at how Jesus dealt with ego and pride, we can learn that Jesus, despite being right in everything He did, was patient and focused only on doing the will of God, when people (His own creations whom He came to save) insulted and mocked Him to the core.

So here's what we can learn from Christ in dealing with pride and ego:

  1. We must give up on our pride and ego completely (and trust in God and be patient) even if we were right.

  2. It's ok to appear as a loser in the worldly sense (even Jesus appeared as a loser at the cross in a worldly view!). Because for the believers in Christ, what we are in God's view (as a overcomer of the world) matters much more than how we appear in this world.

  3. When we follow Christ in denying the pride and ego of the flesh, God will also release us from the chains and bonds of the worldly opinions and views!

Our reward is not in this world. It's in heaven! To conclude, here's 1 Corinthians 2:9:

"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."


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