In this blog post, we'll see some situations in the life of Jesus that could have caused a 'justified' anger in Him.
Before that let's first understand what is referred to as 'justified' anger!
When you know you were right in your words and actions, but still suffering due to the actions of another person (or a group of persons), the kind of anger you probably have is called a justified anger or a righteous anger.
Now let's see a few scenarios where Jesus could have had justified anger (from human psychology perspective).
When Jesus told the truth that He is the Son of God, the Jews accused he was blaspheming. This could have caused a 'justified' anger in Jesus.
Despite being sinless, Jesus was slapped, spat at, and mocked by the people whom He came to save. This could have caused a 'justified' anger in Him.
Imagine being spat at, slapped and mocked at for being right, by the same people you wanted to do good to! From a human psychology aspect, I think that is the situation where Jesus's justified anger could have been at its peak.
But the question is how did Jesus react when He could have possibly got provoked by the immoral actions of the people accusing and mocking Him?
The answer is pretty clear. Jesus, even if He had all reasons to have a justified anger, loved the people and focused ONLY on doing the will of God - to be a sacrifice that would satisfy the wrath of God upon entire humanity for their sinful actions.
The only incident (to my little knowledge) where Jesus expressed His justified anger was when He chased the people who turned God's temple into a place of business.
But, for us as human beings, we need to think about if we are as righteous and sinless as Jesus to reveal our 'justified' anger on others.
So what can we learn from Christ in dealing with 'righteous' anger?
As believers of Christ, whenever we have a 'justified' anger on others, we must place our faith in God and learn to be patient and calm, apart from conveying our concerns to God in prayer.
God can change others (even your foes) through your patience and love when you follow the footsteps of Christ. I'm writing this because I've experienced this in my life.
We as human beings, by nature expect others (those who angered us) to change first, and we simply choose to be a reflection of what they are to us. But God's way is just the opposite, and the believers' own lives are a testimony of God's patient work in them.
If God, being perfect and spotless in everything, chose to be patient with us despite our sinful nature and shortcomings, why are we struggling to be patient with others, even when we are right?
We must learn to stay calm and forgive others in love, just like Christ did to us. God will make things work for us at His time, until which we have to remain patient in faith and prayer.
IMPORTANT Note: While waiting for God to work, please don't do the mistake of figuring out the logic about how God can bring a change in the people you were angry with. It is God's job, and He doesn't need human ideas. His ways are mysterious and His works are beyond human logic and understanding. Just stay calm and peaceful in faith. The reason I'm writing this note is I've failed to stay in faith whenever I tried to figure out a logic for God's work.
Ok, now one may think I've got to stay calm and patient in faith and prayer when I have a righteous anger. But what about the usual or the unrighteous anger?
You know the answer! When God asks us to trust Him and let Him handle things for us even when we have a righteous anger, we must be even more humble and patient when our anger is not a righteous one!
Most times we think of God working on another person. Though that's true, we must accept our flaws before God and plead Him to change us first. That inward change in the believers is what God is looking for to share His love with others and to bring forth the change in others!
Here's James 1:19,20 for conclusion (for both unjustified and justified anger) on the topic from a single verse:
"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires."