We all have certain beliefs based on our past experiences, or what we were taught in our childhood, or even based on consensus.
Let's term those beliefs as 'Logic' in this post.
When we are faced with any life situation or question, we naturally tend to look for answers from this 'Logic'.
In other words, we, as humans, are subconsciously desperate to ensure that our answers fit into our core set of beliefs.
If our logic doesn't provide a convincing answer, we search for answers by conversing with others, or by a Google search or by even by doing our own research. In all these cases, the answers we find are heavily influenced by our existing logic.
If an answer conflicts with our existing logic, we usually don't approve that answer, but look out for the ones that fits well with our existing Logic.
Ok. Now, as believers of Christ, let's just analyze each of our own set of beliefs.
What were you taught in your childhood?
What are the things you believe based on consensus?
Physical weaknesses or diseases you can think of that can never be healed.
If you/your family had bitterness on someone in the past, what do you think about them now? Does God love them too? Is it possible for God to change them (or you!)? [Remember when Nathaniel heard about the Messiah, he ridiculed if something good can come from Nazareth]
If your country has an enemy country, what do you think about the salvation of your enemy country's citizens?
From the character perspective, is tit-for-tat right according to you? [For me, it was 100% right until Christ broke those beliefs into pieces a few years back]
Whom all did you conclude as bad people?
and so on..
The above list of questions could vary from person to person, based on their past.
Now, for a brief moment, let's imagine we're living in the times of Jesus.
And let's put ourselves into the shoes of the servants who served wine in the wedding in Cana.
We know that based on our Logic that water is water, wine is wine, and water cannot become wine.
Now Jesus asks us to fill the pots with water up to the brim.
If I were in that situation, the following questions and thoughts would have run in my mind:
"Did Jesus arrange some wine to mix with the water?
If yes, He could have asked us to fill a certain level of the pot with water, in order to fill the remaining part with wine. Then, I can atleast hope He could make the mix taste like a low quality wine.
But why is he asking us to fill water up to the brim? That doesn't make any sense, as there would be no place to mix the wine!"
Still I could have managed to fit the situation into my limited Logic, and concluded:
"Ok, He might probably mix some powder (that I'm not yet aware of) with the water to make it taste like wine."
So, until that instruction I could have been obedient.
But when Jesus asked those servants to serve the water as it is to the guests, my belief would have been, "How can I serve water?", because it hasn't become wine or tasted like wine based on my set of beliefs.
I cannot imagine or hallucinate water to be wine, and would've probably refrained from serving it for the guests.
But the real servants in this incident neither imagined nor hallucinated, but OBEYED Him in faith, and that made a unfathomable, huge difference!
They served a wine with the finest quality that made the guest marvel and praise the host!
So, what can we learn from this incident?
When we place our FAITH in CHRIST, we might sometimes require to dismiss our logic. He, as the Creator is the author of the 100% accurate Logic.
His Knowledge and Wisdom are far beyond our understanding and Logic. His instructions are 100% in line with the truth, as He is the Truth.
On the contrary, our logic may be false.
So, should we completely ignore our Logic, and depend only on Faith? If not, when should we should we go by our Logic and when by Faith?
Well, the answers to the above questions are solely based on our PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Christ! The answer differs on a case-by-case basis, and there's no rule to generalize it.
When we meditate sincerely upon the Word of God and seek His guidance in all our life circumstances, our faith becomes stronger, and it becomes pretty easy to recognize our false Logics!
The next time you're intimidated by a negative thought, or physical weakness, or bitterness on someone, or hurt by another person, or facing any tough situation - Just seek God and submit your concerns to Him!
In my experience, people around me talk about intimidating circumstances (that I also frequently face with) and lose their peace, while I calmly rest my case by letting Christ take charge of the situation!
In fact, I sometimes never felt a need for an answer as the things that bothered me slowly became non-existent or powerless, after I placed them in God's feet in faith!
When I place a thing that bothered me into God's feet, the problems that seemed as big as mountains became like dust under the feet.
From a worldly view, the problem might appear even stronger. But from a spiritual sense, it has no power to destroy us as our peace and happiness comes from Christ, regardless of the situation in this world!
To conclude, here are some Bible verses to help us ALWAYS place our faith in Christ!
Psalms 33:9 - For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.
Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
You may also want to read the post - The Unconditional Faith: Learning From the Life of Job